Sunday, February 27, 2011

I am or I own?

In the midst of a rather crazy move, I have been thinking more and more about adopting a minimalist lifestyle. As someone who has always appreciated owning stuff, it seems quite a difficult task for me, but having a record for moving on average once every two months is motivation enough. Even though I don't plan on moving again so soon, having a clutter-free environment to live and having significantly less to move when the time does come sounds like too good of an offer to turn down.

Another reason for the change is my tendency to identify with the things I own, I no longer want to have an emotional attachment to stuff.

So here are a few goals outlining how I plan on going about becoming a minimalist:

1. I hate doing dishes, so I am going to reduce my kitchen wares to:
1 plate
1 bowl
1 glass
1 mug
1 frying pan
2 pots (1 small, 1 medium/large)
1 strainer
1 spatula
.....You get the drift.....One of everything I need and nothing more. Of course, since I have a room mate, these aren't the only dishes we will have in the house, just the ones I will use. We will have plenty for company.

2. Buy an EReader.
I have had my eye on the Amazon Kindle for a little while now, and I have finally decided that it is the right thing for me to switch from paper copies to electronic copies, and the latest version of the Kindle has made it so easy.

3. Use Electronic Storage
I am a bit of a pack rat when it comes to personal items. I currently have a tupperware container full of old movie tickets, pictures, journals, play bills, posters, and trophies lurking under my bed. I want to digitize all of it by scanning it into my computer and saving it on my hard drive. Also I have piles of old C.D.s and DVDs that never get open because I have access to the electronic versions, so I am going to back them all up on my hard drive and get rid of them. My 1TB hard drive can fit in my coat pocket and store all my pictures, music, and movies.

4. Purge old clothes that never get worn and replace them with a few long lasting, versatile outfits.
I have been saying a lot lately that I am sick of being a T-shirt and jeans kind of gal, so why am I keeping them all around? If my closet only contains a few nice, fashionable and versatile outfits then I will look nice everyday, and I won't even be tempted by the old Tee's. One pair of lounging clothes is a must though.

I have a few more goals in mind, but this post has dragged on far enough, and I already have my work cut out for me. It is going to be hard work, but in the end I know it will be worth it. Wish me Luck!

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